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Eliza Gusmeri
Jum'at, 24 September 2021 | 16:02 WIB
Coldplay X BTS (foto;net) - Coldplay dan BTS baru saja merilis lagu kolaborasi mereka berjudul My Universe. Video My Universe sudah tayang di Youtube, salah satunya di channel Official Coldplay.

Perilisan video lirik ‘My Universe’ sendiri telah dinantikan oleh 370 ribu lebih penonton.

Proyek kolaborasi ini tidak berhenti di sini. Dikabarkan mereka akan merilis video dokumenter ‘Inside My Universe Documentary’ pada 26 September 2021, pukul 19.00 WIB.

Sedangkan pada Senin, 27 September 2021 pukul 06.00 WIB, mereka akan merilis single ‘My Universe’ dengan versi Supernova 7 mix dan acoustic version. Untuk perilisan official music video ‘My Universe’ akan dirilis menyusul.

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Berikut lirik Lagu My Universe - Coldplay X BTS:

You, you are My universe
And I just want to put you first
And you, you are My universe
And I

In the night I lie and look up at you
When the morning comes, I watch your eyes
There’s a paradise that couldn’t capture
That bright infinity inside your eyes

Sungana naraga
Iron goto iyenchi debo
Sumion oromana
Never ending for ever, baby

You, you are My universe
And I just want to put you first
And you, you are My universe
And you make my heart light up inside

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Odemi negen dapion eso ches
Piron chi guron yaso geso
And they said that we can’t be together
Because, because we come from different sides

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